Becoming “Batoon Rouge”

Just a few years ago, movie and television producers only did this kind of work in Los Angeles, New York or London. Now, they come here.
Inside a dark editing suite at the Digital FX studio on Perkins Road, animator Aaron Michel is showing off the three-dimensional cobra he created for a recent episode of National Geographic’s TV series World’s Deadliest Animals. Michel deftly types on a keyboard with his left hand and manipulates a stylus with his right while keeping his eyes glued to the monitor before him, where an animated image of the snake’s skeletal system is squeezing the life out of its victim. That National Geographic would farm out its special effects to a Baton Rouge shop speaks volumes — both about the caliber of companies like Digital FX and the reputation the market now has as an emerging player in the world of animation. Just a few years ago, movie and television producers only did this kind of work in Los Angeles, New York or London. Now, they come here.
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